About Us

We are here to help people Encounter Jesus, Find Freedom, Discover their Purpose, and Make a Difference.

Whether you’re new to church, have been a Christian for many years, or are looking for a fresh start, you’re welcome here. Our hope is to give you a place where you experience a fresh, enjoyable connection to God and a community of people.

We keep our focus simple so we can have the biggest impact possible. Everything we do as a church is filtered through our focus on helping every person live the full life for which God created all of us.

We desire to build a community centered around Jesus, where all people can belong even before they believe.

Pastor Shan Mahawon is the founding and senior pastor of Victory Church Chiang Mai. Since it began towards the end of Covid in June 2021, Victory Church has grown from a few individuals into a thriving community believing the best is yet to come for the church and Chiang Mai. Victory Church Chiang Mai is known for our life-giving culture and welcoming atmosphere. We are dedicated to lead those far from Jesus into a life-giving relationship with Jesus.

Pastor Shan grew up in the countryside of Chiang Mai, Thailand. He has a deep passion to develop leaders in Thailand that can be relatable and bold to has a deep passion for developing leaders and helping the church as a whole be innovative to reach their communities.

Shan and his wife Lindsey have two children and live in Chiang Mai, Thailand, where Victory Church Chiang Mai is currently planted.

OUR values


We live lives of sacrifice and surrender to our King. It's all about Jesus!


We are a church of contributors, not consumers.


We believe that the church exists to impact the world in a way that people take notice.


We are a family who deeply cares about the needs of our community.


We go above and beyond to give sacrificially and faithfully to the work of God.


We are built on the vision God gave our church. We will aggressively defend our unity and that vision.


We strive to live godly, transparent lives that glorify God.


Every church has primary beliefs, and secondary beliefs they hold, but have room for differing view points. Primary beliefs are close handed issues, they are not the kind of beliefs where for the sake of community or charity, we flex the line. Secondary beliefs however, are beliefs where we can accept subtle differences and walk together in love and unity because we agree on the major, primary truths of Christian doctrine. It is on these Non-Negotiable Beliefs, or closed handed theological statements, we derive our deep sense of unity and commitment to each other and the mission God has given us.

Meet Our Staff

the legends who make it all run smoothly

Shan and Lindsey

Shan has a vision for the local church of Thailand to make a huge impact on this nation.  Shan grew up in Thailand and has been serving in church as long as he can remember.  Being both Shan and American, he has a unique ability to lead from multiple cultural perspectives.  He loves God and his family first, and then of course Manchester United.

Lindsey has served in Thailand since she was 21, and never looked back.  She loves teaching and discipling kids, and wants to help the next generation of young Thai people reach their own for Christ.  Just under love of God and her family is her love for coffee and a good book.


Sai is a gifted musician who gathers members and coordinates the amazing worship of the church.  His smile and humility make him the easiest person to get along with, even though he can play every instrument better than you can.


Michael oversees the media production of the church, doing everything from videos to photography to sound.  He has a servants heart that is evident in the way he serves faithfully behind the scenes every week.  Michael is good at everything he does, which makes him the most satisfying to beat in ping-pong.


Miriam is the church’s social media manager and also helps lead worship.  She can speak 4 languages better than some of us can speak 1! She has a passion for singing, fashion, art, and above else, for God and His people.